Jumat, 25 April 2014

artikel bahasa inggris

Nama                    : Yuni Komarul Wardani
Kelas                    : 3eb25
NPM                    : 27211662

FBI finding could further
damage JIS reputation
The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Jakarta | Wed, April 23 2014, 5:59 PM
A finding from the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) revealing that suspected pedophile William James Vahey, 64, worked at Jakarta International School (JIS) for 10 years may further destroy the school’s reputation, a commission has said.
National Child Protection Commission (KPAI) chairman Asrorun Niam Soleh said the commission had suggested that JIS investigate all elements of the school, including teachers, following an alleged incident of sexual assault involving one of its students.
The recommendation was submitted during the KPAI’s meeting with JIS headmaster Timothy Carr, before an FBI report published on Tuesday revealed that the suspected child predator had worked at 10 American schools as well as various international schools abroad for more than four decades, before committing suicide last month in Minnesota.
“He (Carr) accepted the recommendation and promised to work with internal parties to carry out such an assessment,” Asrorun said on Wednesday, as quoted by kompas.com.
He said there was an impression that allegations surrounding the sexual assault case had been directed only toward cleaning staff.
With the FBI report revealing that a suspected fugitive pedophile had taught at JIS for 10 years, however, the KPAI said there was the potential of more sexual abuse having been perpetrated by teachers at the school.
“The (FBI) report and findings have damaged JIS’ previous claims that no teacher has done such a thing (as sexual abuse),” Asrorun said.
JIS public relations officer Daniarti Wusono declined to comment on the FBI finding.
The FBI said that Vahey committed suicide in Luverne on March 21, two days after agents in Houston filed a warrant to search a computer thumb drive belonging to him, as reported by The Associated Press.
An employee of the American Nicaraguan School in Managua, where Vahey recently taught ninth-grade world history and geography, gave the thumb drive – which contained images depicting child abuse – to the local US Embassy.

Comment :
I think the incidence of sexual violence experienced by a child aged 5 years and is very cruel indeed outrageous incident occurred area plus schools are in the toilet , the incident occurred at one of the international schools located in Jakarta area is JIS ( JAKARTA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL ) . many people know that the school is strict security system is very expensive and the cost of the school is supposed to be already guarantee everything , but it was a little boy sexually abused school environment . and perpetrators of sexual violence is an employee pelakunyapun hygiene is a woman and a man , truly outrageous . a woman would do that to a child . turned out to be an international school can not guarantee the safety of a small child , a small child who intend to get the science has been abused by people who are not responsible .
plus now if there is a suspected pedophile who has taught at the school for 10 years JIS . I 'm sure there will be new victims , yesterday was no one new victim reporting to the police about sexual violence as well . government should really respond to events that have happened to a small child , because this incident occurred diIndonesia . do not let the government did not respond to this incident seriously because of this incident seriously embarrassing Indonesian state in terms of education . our school to gain knowledge not to get this kind of persecution , people who commit crimes should be punished severely because they do not have a conscience , do not think of the feelings of both parents .